
Showcase your company to 600+ digital marketing and advertising professionals in Dallas Fort Worth.

DFWIMA’s membership features over 75% agency and brand marketers - plug into the planners, buyers, publishers, and media execs who make up our vibrant marketing community. 

Highlight your company with partnership opportunities such as dedicated emails, educational content/white papers, newsletter sponsor, promoted events social posts, website placements, and much more.

REACH: Access to over 600 members and a social community reach of over 2,000+ marketing professionals. 

PRE & POST PROMOTION: Partner logo and link as event sponsor on outbound member communications (email invites, promotions, reminders, thank you, etc.).

TENT POLE EVENTS: Please contact for more information regarding our Excellence in Interactive Marketing Awards (EIMA) and iHACK Golf Tournament.

CUSTOM PARTNERSHIPS: We welcome the opportunity to explore custom partnerships to maximize your exposure to the digital advertising community throughout the year.

NON-MEMBER PRICING: All non-members will incur a 25% upcharge on top of any partnership package. If you or your company are not members please register today.

For more information please submit an inquiry form below and someone will be in contact with you soon.
